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Marco Amann

Marco Amann

over-engineering is my passion


Global local port
network tinkering
How to expose a local port on your development machine to the internet with a proper domain name, TLS cert and some access control?
Simple and Boring Offline Log Analysis
You should analyze your logs but you might not need a full-blown elasticsearch cluster for it.
Offline GPG Keys
tech crypto security
A few days ago my first YubiKey arrived in the mail, so I was excited to copy over my GPG keys.
Scale in 2D games
While playing a bit of World of Warcraft, I found myself in the vast areas of the southern barrens, striving through the endless planes of the savanna.
Why mcTLS is a bad idea [2: mcTLS]
network tls uni
Since you have read about TLS, we can now have a look at the proposed mcTLS, inspect the motivation behind it and show some first indications, why it might be not that much of a bright idea.